Mobile Development

The mobile browser is gaining momentum and developing web content for a mobile browser becoming a necessity. Now more than ever people are accessing the internet through a mobile device. There are about as many opinions on how to approach development for these miniature browsers as there are different versions. One approach is to literally ignore them. That's right, some developers are just crossing their fingers and hope rendering is acceptable. For a totally mobile website , W3Schools has a WAP, Wireless Application Protocol, tutorial that seems like a good place to start. WAP uses WML, Wireless Markup Language, in a similar way that a regular browser uses HTML. WMLScript is used in WML as a scripting language that is comparable to a light version of Javascript. WMLScript can be used to validate user input and generate content. Content can be stylized for different media using one stylesheet with a media specification, but not all browsers will recognize CSS in the mobile platform. Smartphones are here to stay and development is in a stage of transformation. Like the early days of the browser, general standards will develop over time.

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